A New (to Me) Agent Blog
Music I'm listening to: The Hipdrop station (belly dance music) on Live365
I just ran across another agent blog, this one from Rachel Vater of Lowenstein-Yost. Check it out.
On blogging issues, the FeedBlitz feed reader has become my friend. I tried Squeet for a while, but given the number of blogs I subscribe to (and I'm not able to tackle reading the feeds every day), my email inbox slid into serious overload. I have been able to bring my inbox from 300+ messages after RWA National to 60-something, and with luck that number will continue to shrink.
On personal news, I spent 10+ hours yesterday revising a single scene. Ugh. But worth it!
Alas, our 15-year-old sick kittywho may or may not have lymphoma (pathology reports have been inconclusive) has lost even more weight. At her heaviest, she was 16 pounds (and too fat to give herself a proper bath). A good, healthy weight for her is around 10 pounds.
She's 6.2 pounds now. And has lost half a pound in three weeks. We've tried all sorts of things to tempt her appetitekitty treats, new cat foods, sliced ham, chicken, even ice cream. She'll happily eat the new food for a couple of days, then it's as if she stops liking it. It might be nauseashe's throwing up about once a day, though she's always yakked up a lot. She may be associating the food with the stomach troubles. (Oh joy.) It's hard to know if the chemo drugs she's getting are only making things worse. The good thing is that at her last checkup after chemo began, the mass did not seem to have grown. The bad thing is that at this rate, she'll be dead of anorexia soon.
I can't even think about that without choking up. This cat is essentially my furry child. 15 years. I've only known my parents and a couple of friends for longer than that.
Please send her healing thoughts.
I just ran across another agent blog, this one from Rachel Vater of Lowenstein-Yost. Check it out.
On blogging issues, the FeedBlitz feed reader has become my friend. I tried Squeet for a while, but given the number of blogs I subscribe to (and I'm not able to tackle reading the feeds every day), my email inbox slid into serious overload. I have been able to bring my inbox from 300+ messages after RWA National to 60-something, and with luck that number will continue to shrink.
On personal news, I spent 10+ hours yesterday revising a single scene. Ugh. But worth it!
Alas, our 15-year-old sick kittywho may or may not have lymphoma (pathology reports have been inconclusive) has lost even more weight. At her heaviest, she was 16 pounds (and too fat to give herself a proper bath). A good, healthy weight for her is around 10 pounds.
She's 6.2 pounds now. And has lost half a pound in three weeks. We've tried all sorts of things to tempt her appetitekitty treats, new cat foods, sliced ham, chicken, even ice cream. She'll happily eat the new food for a couple of days, then it's as if she stops liking it. It might be nauseashe's throwing up about once a day, though she's always yakked up a lot. She may be associating the food with the stomach troubles. (Oh joy.) It's hard to know if the chemo drugs she's getting are only making things worse. The good thing is that at her last checkup after chemo began, the mass did not seem to have grown. The bad thing is that at this rate, she'll be dead of anorexia soon.
I can't even think about that without choking up. This cat is essentially my furry child. 15 years. I've only known my parents and a couple of friends for longer than that.
Please send her healing thoughts.
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