The Write Calling

Is writing your true calling? Here you'll find encouragements for writers, book reviews, publishing industry insider tips, and market news. Read musings on writing and publishing by Katey Coffing, Ph.D.: Life Coach for Women Writers.

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Location: Colorado, United States

Published fiction and nonfiction author who embraces her creativity and coaches other women to do the same. For information and prices, visit

Monday, September 11, 2006

Greatness, continued

By the way, Amazon has The Lions of Al-Rassan at a bargain $4.99 price...nudge, nudge...

Just for fun, here are a few more of my favorite authors to round out a top ten.

C.S. Lewis
James Herriot
J.K. Rowling
Nora Roberts
Ursula K. Le Guin
Madeline L'Engle
and Wendy and Richard Pini, the creators of the ElfQuest graphic novels.

A quick look at this and the last post makes clear my leanings toward fantasy, and the honored place of some novelists I first read in high school and continue to adore.

When a book you loved as a child is just as wonderful when you re-read it decades later...well, that's just beautiful.

So, may we all write such books!


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